How do I download the eBook?

After you purchase the eBook, you’ll be redirected to a confirmation page that will verify that your order was successful. Click on the link on that page to download your digital content.

Miss that page? No worries! We’ll also automatically email you a link to download the file. The download link we email you is valid for 24 hours after you complete your purchase, so please make sure to download it within that period.

When will my book ship?

We’ll ship your book within five business days. If you’re ordering the eBook, you’ll get that immediately.

How do I give the books as gifts?

During checkout, just enter the recipient’s name and address in the shipping information, and we’ll mail the book(s) to them.

If you’re giving the eBook as a gift, you can forward the email with the download link to them so that they can access the file. Make sure to let them know to download it within 24 hours!

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